Meet AllGives, the Smarter Way to Shop!

Here to make charitable giving modern and seamless!
Donating to charity shouldn’t be difficult! Deciding where, when, and how to donate takes time and energy that turns many people off to charitable giving. Cue AllGives, the smart way to shop and raise donations for charity. AllGives is developing a one-stop shop for all things charity related. We know it’s hard enough to give up some of your hard-earned cash to charity, so you shouldn’t have to put in extra work to do it! We’re here to help by:
- Researching and compiling curated portfolios of high impact charities you can feel confident donating to.
- Keeping you updated with tips, advice articles, and promotions that help you maximize the size and impact of your donations.
- Developing clever tools to help you raise donations out of thin air. Keep reading to see our first one!
Our Blog
If you google “charity blog”, you’ll see lots of search results with a wealth of information on charitable giving. The problem is many are from the perspective of a charity or fundraiser looking to collect donations. Here at AllGives we want to help those looking to contribute themselves, whether directly to a charity or through the clever tools we’re developing to make giving seamless and free. To that end, we plan on publishing 2 types of posts on a regular basis – advice articles and updates.
Our advice articles will serve as a how-to manual for the more complex aspects of charitable giving. This includes topics like tax-favorable giving strategies and corporate matching guides. These useful advice columns will be highlighted in our blog so you can reference them when needed.
Our update posts will be quick reads about time sensitive developments, like new causes and flash promotions. We’ll also highlight our new tools and website features that can help you make an impact. Which brings us to our first tool for maximizing giving: the referral business.
Impact Area #1: Giving Affiliate Commissions to Charity
Time to get real about how online shopping actually works. Did you know that for every dollar you spend online, upwards of 20% of your purchase don’t go to the store? The store pays fees to governments (taxes), banks (transaction fees), and “affiliates” – the sites that refer you to stores.
That last fee is often the one people know the least about. It goes by many names – finder’s fee, referral bonus, commission, affiliate fees. Online stores pay these affiliates up to 25% whenever a person is redirected to their site and makes a purchase.
These affiliate commissions amount to over $17 billion being paid by companies every year just to get your business. When you click a coupon or an influencer’s product links (the “affiliate”), chances are someone gets a commission from your purchase. Enter AllGives – we decided all this money in the referral industry could be put to better use.
AllGives is a Better Way to Shop
AllGives is committed to turning the $17 billion dollar referral industry into $17 billion dollars of positive impact. By taking a much smaller commission than our competitors, we can ensure that the remainder gets donated to charities of your choice. Quite literally, you can generate charitable donations for free just by going through our portal for your everyday shopping.
When you click one of our links and proceed to make a purchase, that store gives us a commission. We share it with you and your selected charity instead of pocketing it all like traditional affiliates. We’re still in the early phases of development, but we’re working hard every day to partner with additional stores and get links for them on our site.

So now, instead of companies paying other companies for your business, we pass that commission back to you when you shop through our links. You just click through the links on our site, finish your purchase just like you normally do, and we’ll add the cash back to your account. Later on, you can decide to keep it for yourself or donate it to charity and we’ll double your donation! AllGives is the easy, free, and modern way to donate to your favorite causes.
Aren’t There Other Sites that Do Something Similar?
Yes and no – it’s true that other sites “share” some of their commissions back with shoppers, but we’re often able to offer a much higher cash back rate for several reasons:
- Our lean team and low costs ensure minimal overhead.
- Since our site is charity focused, we pay fewer transaction fees, use fewer accountants, and generally have a simpler tech and finance setup.
- Quite simply, we’re not in it for the money! We’re hoping to turn a profit down the line through some of our other initiatives, but the main focus of our cash back portal is to raise money for charity.
Because of that, we’re able to pass over 80% of commissions back to you and your charity on average. In comparison, many other sites share 50% of less with you (just check their FAQs!). On top of that, our site will have other clever features that make it unique, such as our curated list of high impact charities where you can be sure every dollar donated is being put to good use.
We’re Just Getting Started!
Like we mentioned earlier, we’re just getting started and have a lot of cool initiatives in the works. Among other things, we’re working on the following projects to make charitable giving more seamless:
- Creating a browser extension for our cash back portal so you don’t have to go directly through our site to generate donations.
- Adding coupons to our site so you know you’re getting the best deal out there. And that’s on top of the cashback you raise for charity!
- Creating a series of advice articles that covers a wide range of topics, from the tax benefits of charitable giving to other clever tools and tricks you can use to maximize your impact.
- Developing an app to make donating easier and more centralized. You’ll be able to use all the features of the site plus track and manage your donation portfolio.
That’s what’s on our radar for the first phase of our plan. We’re always on the lookout for new and clever ways to put some other market inefficiencies to better use. Stay tuned!
Bottom Line
We created AllGives to help make charitable giving easier and more accessible for everyone. Visit our one-stop charity shop to find impactful charities, get advice on how to maximize your impact, and generate cash back for charity with our clever shopping portal. Our first phase of impact is turning the $17 billion referral commission industry into a major source of charitable donations, but we’ve got lots of other clever initiatives in the pipeline. Make sure to check out our about section and stay up to date with our latest progress on our blog. Together we’re eliminating the barriers to charitable giving and making sure every donor makes the biggest impact they can!