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Start earning at Microsoft!

Founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen, Microsoft is one of the world's largest and most influential technology companies. Originating in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the company moved its headquarters to Redmond, Washington, in 1979. Microsoft played a pivotal role in the personal computer revolution, creating software for early PCs. Its breakthrough came in 1985 with the release of Windows 1.0, the first graphical user interface for IBM-compatible PCs, setting the stage for its dominance in the computer software industry.

Microsoft products are known for their reliability and compatibility. Whether you're buying a Windows operating system, Office suite, or Surface devices, you can expect seamless integration and a user-friendly experience. Microsoft also invests heavily in research and development, leading to innovative products like the Surface line of devices, which includes laptops, tablets, and hybrid devices designed for productivity and creativity. Additionally, Microsoft provides excellent customer support, ensuring that users receive assistance when needed, enhancing the overall user experience.

Microsoft's popularity is further amplified by its commitment to accessibility and inclusivity. The company focuses on creating products that can be used by people with various abilities, ensuring that technology is accessible to everyone. Microsoft has also made significant contributions to education, offering affordable or free versions of its software to students and educators, empowering the next generation with essential digital skills.
In recent years, Microsoft has ventured into augmented reality with products like HoloLens, demonstrating its dedication to exploring cutting-edge technologies. Furthermore, the company has been actively involved in environmental initiatives, pledging to be carbon negative by 2030 and investing in renewable energy projects.

Microsoft's long-standing reputation for innovation, reliability, and commitment to accessibility makes it a top choice for individuals, businesses, and educators. Purchasing Microsoft products not only provides access to powerful and user-friendly technology but also supports a company that continually pushes the boundaries of what technology can achieve while fostering inclusivity and sustainability.

Specific Store Terms:

  • A maximum of $25 can be earned per account across all purchases.
  • Earnings are not available on Xbox games, consoles, accessories, or software.