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At the heart of Prose's approach is their commitment to customization. When you visit the Prose website, you'll be guided through a comprehensive consultation process that takes into account your hair type, goals, lifestyle, and even your geographical location. This information is used to create a personalized hair care formula that is specifically designed to address your hair concerns and help you achieve your desired results.

Prose offers a range of products, including shampoos, conditioners, hair masks, and styling products, all made with carefully selected ingredients that are customized for your hair profile. Their formulas are free from harmful ingredients such as sulfates, parabens, and phthalates, and instead, prioritize clean, nourishing ingredients that promote healthy hair.

What sets Prose apart is their attention to detail and commitment to transparency. Each product is carefully crafted based on your unique hair profile, taking into consideration factors such as hair texture, oiliness, and scalp health. You can even choose your preferred fragrance and specify any additional concerns or preferences you may have.

Prose's popularity has grown rapidly as more people seek personalized hair care solutions. Customers appreciate the brand's dedication to customization, as it allows them to address their specific hair needs effectively. With positive reviews and testimonials highlighting the noticeable improvements in hair texture, shine, and overall health, Prose has gained a loyal following of satisfied customers.

In addition to their personalized products, Prose is also committed to sustainability and ethical practices. They strive to minimize their environmental impact by using recyclable packaging materials and sourcing ingredients responsibly. Prose also donates a portion of their profits to organizations focused on sustainability and environmental causes.

Prose is a leading personalized hair care brand that offers customized solutions for your specific hair needs. With their detailed consultation process, carefully curated ingredients, and commitment to sustainability, Prose provides a unique and effective approach to hair care. If you're looking for a personalized and tailored hair care experience that addresses your specific concerns, Prose is a brand worth exploring.

Specific Store Terms:

  • A maximum of $25 can be earned per account across all purchases.
  • Cash back is not available for consultations or subscriptions.